In the past eight years alone, STARS Alliance saved our owners more than $148.5 million through joint purchases – compared with an operating budget of $15.71 million. With that kind of return, it makes sense to further leverage the buying power of the four owner companies – which have a combined annual spend of more than $13 billion (nuclear and non-nuclear).
One of the most highly valued benefits of STARS Alliance is the unique ability to collaborate with peers at our owners’ nuclear stations. STARS Alliance has been a catalyst enabling these stations to collectively achieve and sustain industry-leading performance.
Each area has a peer team with members from each STARS nuclear station – and monthly peer team calls are perpetual benchmarking opportunities.
STARS has a successful process to identify, evaluate, and execute strategic initiatives that can help our owners with sustainability – improving customer affordability and maintaining top operational performance. And our state-of-the-art office and IT infrastructure let our owner companies easily collaborate and share information.